I am a beginner (plus) at pool having played with 4-6 guys on Thurs afternoons while snow covered the ground.
The tough mental challenge in pool is to judge where the cue ball should hit the curvature of the object ball- and that is more than the angle of incidence = the angle of reflection!
So, this game seems to perfectly model the real world where on so many shots I tend to misjudge angles and miss pockets.
I truly think that this game will help me to better see the patterns of my missed shots.
Bravo Vegas Pool
That said, so far I find that I spend a bit too much time fighting the game controller on each shot as I try to:
1 - Select and position MY CHOICE of ball
2- rotate the table et al to optimize the view and maximize cue ball-TO-pocket separation
3- switching between Object Ball-TO-Pocket view and back to Cue Ball - Object Ball view. Both views are essential to the "Zen" of pool.
4- back-tracking to "re-prep" shots when the game makes adjustments that I did not ask for
I could go on.
Maybe a bit more play testing with players is suggested.
A wonderful game that most Touch-Tolerant pool players should LOVE.
Apple ... Luv Yah too!
Arlingtonwoodsman about Vegas Pool Sharks